Tools and Utilities

Document Export Tool:

Allows user to export documents to Local File System based on Search criteria or input file. Documents can be exported to single Folder or into respective Folders based on pre-determined criteria. This tool can be customized to meet specific client requirements.


1. Allows user to select the input file contaning metadata information to export the Folder/Documents.

2. Allows user to select the File System Folder to export the Folder/Documents.

3. Creates Folder structure in the Local File System based on pre-determined criteria (e.g. using field(s)/metadata value(s) to create Folder structure dynamically).

4. Creates Export Report and saves in Local File System for users to know document export success and failures.

eRoom and Documentum Integrations Extensions/Tools

Metadata Viewer:

This tool allows user to view all the System / Custom attributes of a document type linked in eRoom. This tool can be customized to meet specific client requirements.


1. Allows user to view all/custom metadata of document type linked in eRoom as Linked Folder.

2. Allows user to view all/custom metadata of document type linked in eRoom as Linked Document.

3. Allows user to sort metadata.

4. Allows Pagination.

5. Uses eRoom security.

6. Webtop or any other documentum web application is not required to view the versions.

Version Viewer:

This tool allows user to view all the versions of document linke in eRoom. This tool can be customized to meet specific client requirements.


1. Allows user to view all the versions of document linked in eRoom as Linked Document.

2. Webtop or any other documentum web application is not required to view the versions.

Captiva Tools:


This tool allows users to lauch different Captiva client modules from the tool. This tool can be customized to meet specific client requirements.


1. Allows user's to key in batch name for the selected process and launch Scan module for the selected process with keyed-in batch name .

2. Allows user's to select department and launch Re-scan module for that department in autostart mode.

3. Allows user's to select department and launch Quality Assurance module for that department in autostart mode.

4. Allows user's to select department and launch Index module for that department in autostart mode.

Please send an email to if you would like to purchase/know more about the tools and utilities or if you have any requirements to develop new custom tools/utilities.

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